Alocasias are beautiful but tricky indoor houseplants that come in a lot of different shapes and sizes.
Lighting: This plant appreciates bright indirect light and can tolerate about 3-4 hours of direct light on its foliage. To maintain the plant's size, a minimum of 200 FC is required. To achieve good growth, you will want to look for 400 FC.
Watering: This plant likes to stay evenly moist between watering. That doesn't mean to constantly drench it, but that you want to let the top 1-2" dry out of the soil before watering it again. This plant loves high humidity.
This quick cheat sheet is meant to give you tips and tricks for how to best care for your plant. All of the information above is based on my personal experience and advice with houseplants and the lighting requirements are a reference from Daryl Chang of House Plant Journal.
*FC is lighting measured in Foot Candles and requires a light meter to get an accurate reading.